National Forum - Dynamic, flexible, responsive: Demand and the 21st century energy system

Our energy market is transforming, and in this rapidly changing landscape demand side resources like energy efficiency and demand response are becoming increasingly crucial. However truly unlocking the demand side opportunity will require new rules, new business models and a new commitment to delivering for consumers.

The Energy Efficiency Council is pleased to announce a lunchtime forum featuring a keynote address from Audrey Zibelman, CEO of the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), on Monday 21 May 2018 in Melbourne.


Audrey Zibelman, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, AEMO

Audrey Zibelman leads AEMO, the independent gas and electricity system and market operator in Australia, an organisation that has primary responsibility for managing and maintaining energy system security for all Australians.

Audrey has extensive experience in the public, private and not-for profit energy and electricity sectors in the United States, most recently having held the positions of Commissioner and Chair of the New York State Public Service Commission (NYPSC). During her tenure at the NYPSC, Audrey led the design and implementation of extensive regulatory and retail market changes to modernise and transform the state’s electricity industry.

Audrey will be joined by a panel of experts to discuss what Australia can learn from energy efficiency leadership in the US and around the world.

Key questions canvassed at the forum will include:

  • What are the implications of the advent of sophisticated forms of energy efficiency and demand response for traditional energy markets?
  • What can we learn from overseas markets that are navigating a similar pathway towards smarter, more flexible energy use?
  • What are the learnings from the demand response trials conducted by AEMO and ARENA in NSW, Victoria and South Australia?
  • Will the various energy market reform processes currently underway unlock the potential of demand side resources?

This high profile luncheon will be followed by networking drinks with executives and dignitaries.

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