More than green: Chinese inclusive climate investments

More than green: Chinese inclusive climate investments

Join Development Reimagined and Eco-Business as we discuss private Chinese investments in Overseas diverse-led climate funds, following on from a groundbreaking report by Development Reimagined. The webinar will explore the key trends in Chinese investment flows to overseas climate funds, and to what extent justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) is a key consideration for private Chinese investment flows. Key stakeholders will discuss the report’s key findings and explores ways to create more and stronger practical platforms to bolster and support Chinese investment in JEDI overseas climate funds.


Launch of Development Reimagined’s Report titled “Bolstering Private Chinese Investments in Overseas Diverse-led Climate Funds”

  • Lauren Ashmore, Climate Analyst and the lead author, Development Reimagined

Panel Discussion

  • Lingxiu Zhang: co-founder of the Roselake Ventures
  • Tianshu Sun: Associate Researcher, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC)
  • Geoffrey Ronoh, Technical Director at OFGEN
  • Moderator: Hannah Ryder, CEO of Development Reimagined

Q&A Session

Closing Remarks


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