Leading Green Women

“The higher you go, the fewer women there are,” Nobel Peace Laureate Wangari Maathai once observed.

Whether you are in property or politics in Australia, a leadership lag is preventing women from getting ahead.

Just 12% of our industry is female – and an even smaller percentage of women occupy the boardroom.

But our industry’s leaders– both male and female – are working together to champion change and to create workplace cultures that enable women to lead and succeed.

Join a high-level panel of speakers who will share their insights into how you can:

  • Successfully put yourself forward for senior positions
  • Identify and articulate your unique skills to employers
  • Encourage and support women in your workplaces
  • Embrace mentoring and networking to boost your leadership potential.

Hosted by:

  • Amanda Steele, Head of Sustainability, CBRE

Speakers include:

  • Geoff Dutaillis, Group Head of Sustainability, Lend Lease
  • Ming Long, Joint Managing Director, Investa Office Management

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Nikki Byrnes
[javascript protected email address]

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