ISSRC presents 6th two day CSR Training Program (1st & 2nd May 2015, New Delhi)
ISSRC delivers training programs to Corporate, CSR workforce, NGO’s, Trusts and several social welfare organization to groom their knowledge and skill to understand the requirement, essentiality and stakeholder’s expectation from CSR mandate and practice by the corporate. The results of our training initiatives has enhanced the knowledge and skills as the successful efforts require a multifaceted approach, including strategies to improve planning for, development of, and support to the CSR and social welfare workforce.
Benefits of the training and workshop delivered by ISSRC-CSR
For CSR executives & professionals:
- Taking your skills to next level.
- Understand essentiality of CSR & expectations of organization with regulatory compliance.
- Grooming of their knowledge and experience to create CSR framework, assist Board and provide requisite inputs to CSR committee for effective & efficient CSR for the Company.
- Enhance their potential & skills to serve the demand of public & private sector for societal growth matching with business.
- Gain knowledge of systematic process of planning, execution, reporting and communication of their companies’ CSR aligned with The Act.
- Methodology of project identification, formulation, implementation and integration with other development projects under the ambit of schedule VII of The Act.
- Know how to bridge the gap for inclusive growth and establish your corporate leadership & brand imaging.
- Make out innovative social business initiatives within the regulatory framework based on available resources matching with needs.
- Enhancement in knowledge & skills leading to rise in carrier.
For Corporate Management:
- Understand expectations, applicability & technicality of The Act.
- Supportive in designing policy, framework & accessing community and business needs.
- Responsibility of Board & Role of CSR committee.
- Financial requirements for CSR in accordance with the regulations.
- Selection of projects & programs in conformity with the Act as well give return of investment in the form of inclusive growth & business sustainability.
- Facilitate decision making for partnership & collaborations for CSR projects.
- Improving your organization’s CSR performance.
For fresher student of social science and management:
- Orientation of their knowledge, understanding & managerial skills of socio economic development within the frame work of CSR.
- Gets an opportunity to transform their knowledge & skills to work for business for inclusive growth.
- Understand the requirement of CSR and stakeholder’s expectations from corporate.
- Know the National mandate and guidelines for CSR bench marking.
- Knowledge gained & oriented through this program will enhance their chance of employability in CSR sector.
Important Dates:
Registration opens on 06-04-2015
Early bird discount 20% Closes on 15-04-2015
Last Date for fees Payment 25-04-2015
Who Should Attend:
- Directors & CEO, Company Heads
- Company Secretary, CSR Managers
- CSR Executives, CSR Professionals
- CSR & Social Coordinators
- NGOs, NPOs & Social Enterprises
- Resource Mobilization Officers
- Fund Raising Team
- Rural Development Professionals
- Academicians, MSW Students
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