ISO 50001: Cost Savings via Energy Management Systems Certification

This complimentary webinar will give an overview to the ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management System (EnMS) certification requirements and benefits including cost savings. It aims to promote understanding of the standard and to enable organizations establish the systems and processes necessary to reduce energy costs with a positive effect in an organisation’s bottom line, while minimising greenhouse gas emissions and the overall negative impact on the environment.

1. Purpose and structure of ISO 50001
2. How can ISO 50001 make you save money
3. ISO 50001 and ISO 14001
4. Why ISO 50001 is logical next step if organization ISO 14001 certified?
5. Certification of an EnMS
6. Q&A

Target Audience
Quality managers, Environmental managers, Facilities Managers, Corporate Social Responsibility Managers and other functions involved directly or indirectly with energy management and environmental management within an organization.

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