iCities: Urban & Township Development


Globally, 54 per cent of the world’s population reside in urban areas in 2014. In 1950, 30 per cent of the world’s population was urban, and by 2050, 66 per cent of the world’s population is projected to be urban. This is especially true in Asia and the Pacific, where the urban population grew faster than in any other region with Asia projected to continue to host nearly one half of the world’s urban population.

As the world continues to urbanize, sustainable development challenges will be increasingly concentrated in cities, particularly in the lower-middle-income countries where the pace of urbanization is fastest.

Urban migration is a result of “push and pull” factors including the search for new employment, better infrastructure, modern sanitized housing and higher education. Due to the high cost of living in cities, townships become home to many migrants. How we choose to address this reality is a topic of vast importance. The solution no doubt lies in thinking beyond for not only city development but also for townships.

This iCities: Urban & Township Development gives you the perfect opportunity to join a host of industry experts, professionals and decision-makers involved in city and township development under one roof to feature cutting edge technologies, integrated urban planning approaches and sustainable methodologies in transforming cities to become sustainable and smarter through conceptualized and integrated strategies on urban planning and township development.

The conference will provide a unique platform to showcase and celebrate the best practices and case studies around the world, along with the latest trends and challenges, and how to address them. During the course of this two-day event, we will attempt to revolutionize, through questioning the traditional tenets of urban planning, encourage tireless exploration of the systemic nature of urban planning approaches before proposing solutions, and generate new strategies for sustainable development.

“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.”
Jane Jacobs

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Michelle Lee
[javascript protected email address]

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