Hong Kong Sustainability Jam 2012

Global Sustainability Jam  — a worldwide change-makers community for sustainability are calling for 50 visionary, talented, open-minded, embracing teamwork, passionate with ACTION individuals who share the same vision, to step up in Hong Kong to create such RADICAL Change!

Connecting Hong Kong to the global movement, YES Network, supported by University of Hong Kong and the Jockey Club, initiated the Hong Kong Sustainability Jam 2012. This is an actionable 48 Hours Intensive ‘Think-Do Tank’ Platform where we get the right People, in the right Environment, asking the right Questions, to initiate radical solutions towards the most pressing environmental sustainability issues.

Creating a creative team work environment that fosters rapid learning and prototyping through cross-sector collaboration, multidisciplinary jamming teams formed by selected change agents from across  the  government, NGOs, academia, industry, foundation, university student, will walk through a FUN process in 48 hours that explore the problems, find the needs of stakeholders, gain insights, ask the right questions, unleash creativity, make prototypes…

We get people to move from risk adverse siloed, analytical, convergent thinking to creative divergent thinking in multidisciplinary teams to address complex problems in new insightful ways and create innovative user-centric solutions of value towards Hong Kong environment sustainability  problems!

If you think you are such Right person, Join the global movement now! Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to create a new future for Hong Kong! Join us Now at http://www.hongkongsustainabilityjam.org

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