Green Quadrant® Environmental Management Software (Global) 2012 - Webinar

The environmental management software market emerged in the 1990s in response to firms’ ever-growing requirements to comply with strict regulations on pollutants as well as to manage, report and optimize their environmental performance.

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Directors, VPs of Environment and Chief Sustainability Officers who are looking for software to support their EH&S activities including cross-indicator environmental monitoring, compliance reporting, EH&S data management and performance analysis, should join this webinar to understand how to shortlist suppliers.

Based on responses to a 115 point questionnaire and interviews with 15 buyers of environmental services from firms with revenues of over $1 billion, this webinar will compare the capabilities and market momentum performance of 12 global environmental management software suppliers including BSI, Enablon, Enviance, FirstCarbon Solutions, IHS, Locus Technologies, PE International and SAP.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Emily Hobbs
[javascript protected email address]

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