Green Drinks: Julian Wong - Systems Thinking for Sustainability

This month, Julian Wong, the founder of Beijing Energy Network and author of The Green Leap Forward will share a new thought concept that emphasizes on looking into sustainability as a whole system. Speaking from his rich experience in energy advisory across multidisciplinary practices in both Asia and the U.S, he will identify a few real life examples where an enhanced awareness of systems thinking in the sustainability context would lead to vastly different result. Julian will also discuss the implications of systems thinking for each of us in creating a sustainable future.

Join us for this thought provoking talk on:

Date: 23 October 2012 (Tuesday)

Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm (talk will be followed by Q&A, then mingling)

Venue: The Hub, 113 Somerset Rd (National Youth Council Academy building)


We do hope to see you there!

About Julian

Julian Wong is the founder and chairperson of the Beijing Energy Network, a China-based grassroots professional networking organization for energy and the environment, and author of The Green Leap Forward, a leading blog on China’s energy economy. In 2010, The Guardian named him as one of Top Five Climate Bloggers on Twitter.

Currently, he is working as an attorney and a member of the energy and clean technology practice in the Palo Alto, California office of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati (WSGR). Prior joining WSGR, Julian was a policy advisor to the U.S Department of Energy (DOE) and helped in the clean energy cooperation initiatives with China.

He tweets on sustainability and China’s energy economy @greenleapfwd.

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Green Drinks Singapore
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