Green Cities 2013

Australia’s premier built environment conference and expo, Green Cities 2013, will be held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre from 6-7 March.

The conference, co-hosted by the Green Building Council of Australia and Property Council of Australia, will bring together world-leading sustainability specialists and innovators to share new ways of thinking, while interactive sessions will explore the tools, tactics and techniques required to build a sustainable future.

Keynote speakers include:

  • Rob Bennett, international keynote speaker from the US and Executive Director of the world-renowned Portland Sustainability Institute, on how to go beyond the planning of sustainable communities and actually build them.
  • Daniel Grollo, Chief Executive Officer of Grocon, on the role that the built environment can play in addressing many of the world’s most challenging problems.
  • Cheryl Kernot, Director of Social Business at the Centre for Social Impact, on the costs and value of a people-centred approach to the design and delivery of buildings, communities and cities.
  • Eric Knight, economics consultant and Rhodes scholar, on how reframing our vision can reveal new solutions to the old challenge of creating cities where people thrive rather than just survive.
  • Gunter Pauli, international keynote speaker, best-selling author and sustainable economics activist, on why a creative approach to economics and production is the future of our planet and our people.
  • Lucy Turnbull, Deputy Chair of the Government Advisory Panel on Capital City Infrastructure, on how practical government actions can shape the sustainability, liveability and prosperity of existing and future communities in Australia.

View the Green Cities program online:

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