Green Buildings & Parks World 2017

Global warming, rising energy costs, the growing awareness and liability costs associated with “Sick Building Syndrome”, declining oil reserves, and concerns about limited energy and water supply are among the major issues that have been discussed all over the world and contributed to the rise of green buildings. However, the myth that green buildings are expensive has set the boundary on the adaptation of green buildings in the region.

IS GREEN BUILDINGS MORE EXPENSIVE? Demands for more sustainable building has seen an immense increment thus making the green construction increasingly profitable and desirable within the global construction market. Green buildings constructions are a long-term investment and proves to be a cost-effective solution with low maintenance and energy costs. By implementing green buildings also reduce day-to-day costs year-over year and this could be seen when the maintenance for green buildings are 20 percent lower than the typical commercial buildings.

The third edition of the Green Buildings & Parks World 2017 themed ‘Green Not Expensive-Expensive Not Green’ is set to provide solutions and strategies to increase the adoption of green infrastructure in the region. This conference is designed as an annual gathering of developers, professionals, international green building experts, policy-makers, built environment practitioners, designers, tenants, end-users, and government bodies with green initiatives to converge and share, learn and collaborate to improve the green buildings and parks of their countries.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Hooi Sookmei
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