Governance: Moving certification to the landscape level with ecosystem services

A Side-Event Session at Forest Asia Summit 2014 Hosted by Forest Stewardship Council

Date: 5 May 2014 (Monday)
Time: 9.00 am - 10.30 am

A landscape-based approach to forest management, which combines sustainable use of forest resources and the wider land-use picture, can optimize the function and value of forests. Forest certification programs can provide a framework for rewarding good forest management practice and tools for evaluating performance.

FSC focuses on forest landscapes and is working to adapting to using a landscape approach in its ecosystem services. With the landmark Forest Certification for Ecosystem Services (ForCES) project, FSC and its partner organizations are working in Chile, Indonesia, Nepal and Vietnam to research, analyze and test innovative ways to evaluate and reward the provision of critical forest ecosystem services, such as biodiversity conservation, watershed protection and carbon storage/sequestration.

Compliance indicators are being developed both at national and international level, and newly developed impact indicators should demonstrate positive outcomes and the achievement of social and environmental objectives and benefits to forest operations and local communities.

The key questions that will be addressed in the session are:

  1. How can we integrate ecosystem services into forest management?
  2. How is FSC is adapting to the landscape-based approach to forest management?
  3. What economic benefits can managers gain from ecosystem services?

Background reading:

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