Futures Webinar: Regenerative Agriculture

It’s no longer good enough for our global agricultural system to produce more food with ‘less impact’.

If we are serious about delivering those ambitions as set out in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change or the Sustainable Development Goals we need to look at a regenerative agriculture approach: an approach that puts more back into the system than it takes out (from integrated pest management or conservation tillage to landscape management).

Tre Cates from the Savory Institute joins Forum’s Associate Director of Sustainable Nutrition, Mark Driscoll, as a ‘thought provocateur’, setting the scene for a discussion on regenerative approaches to agriculture and opportunities for collaboration on this agenda. Savory Institute’s mission is to promote large scale restoration of the world’s grasslands through holistic land and livestock management.

Join the conversation: We’d love to hear from you via Twitter if you have any questions or comments before, during or after the webinar. You can follow us @forumforthefuture and use the hashtags #regenerativeagriculture to join the conversation.

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