Future of Sustainability 2020: Has the disruption from Covid-19 accelerated the transition to a sustainable future, or made it more challenging?

22 July 2020
8 am BST / 12.30 pm IST / 3 pm Singapore

We are in the midst of a historic moment that will shape society for decades to come. The Covid-19 crisis is having a devastating impact – both in terms of lives lost and economic disruption. The region’s informal, cash-based economies are particularly vulnerable.

At Forum for the Future we believe this may also be a moment to re-imagine how we rebuild our economies. We are therefore calling for business, governments, civil society and communities to seize this moment in helping to deliver a more just, sustainable and resilient world.

Drawing on research and insights we gather annually to understand what is next for the fields of sustainability, impact investing and philanthropy, we will share a suite of futures trajectories we have been developing which help us understand possible ways forward as change-makers. We believe only one of these trajectories, which we are calling ‘Transform’, has the potential to create the just, resilient and sustainable systems we need. It is based on a mindset that recognises the interdependent nature of the challenges we face today. You can read more about the trajectories here.

The session will include reflections from inspiring change-makers who are already driving towards this ‘Transform’ trajectory – aiming to shift our political, economic and social systems so that they work together in service of human and planetary health, justice and economic resilience.

If there is ever a time to drive this transformative change, it is now. We hope you can join us.

Questions we will explore:

  • What is the value of long-term thinking - even during a crisis?
  • Has Covid-19 accelerated the transition to sustainable future or made it more challenging?
  • What is the role of organisations across sectors in creating a transformed economy as we emerge from this crisis?


Host - Dr Sally Uren, CEO, Forum for the Future

Co-host - Ariel Muller, MD Asia, Forum for the Future

Deeksha Vats, CSO, Aditya Birla Group

Mahesh Pratap Singh, Head of Sustainability and Social responsibility, Flipkart Group

Christopher Stewart, Head of Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability, Olam International

Monica Oudang, Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa, a non-profit foundation started by Gojek

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