Festival of Innovation 2022

Festival of Innovation 2022

The climate crisis requires bold and imaginative thinking on both a national and a global level. From nature-based solutions to decarbonising societies, government agencies have to leave no rock unturned in their quest to tackle the climate crisis.

Join GovInsider’s Festival of Innovation to explore government innovation and network with public sector officials from across Southeast Asia!

Day 2 of the Festival of Innovation, 14th July 2022, will kick off with two panels on the different ways in which government agencies can lead the way in reducing emissions and protecting the environment.

At the How government agencies can decarbonise panel happening from 10 - 11 am (GMT+8), GovInsider will present a guide for government agencies looking to cut their carbon emissions. This includes adopting renewable energy, using sustainable building materials or ‘greening’ technology.

Key takeaways:

  1. The current and future challenges that governments are facing in their bids to decarbonise, and how they are aiming to address them
  2. The up-and-coming R&D projects that the Singapore government is working on to address these challenges
  3. The priority industries and processes that governments are targeting for decarbonisation

The speakers who will be sharing are:

  1. Dr Ng Wai Kiong, Deputy Executive Director, Institute of Sustainability for Chemicals, Energy and Environment, A*STAR
  2. Mr Syed Mubarak, Vice President - Sustainability & Technology, Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore
  3. Dr Sangmin Nam, Director, Environment and Development Division of UNESCAP
  4. Ms Genevieve Ding, Head of Sustainability Policy Strategy, APAC and Japan, Amazon Web Services
  5. Ms Junice Yeo, Executive Director, Eco-Business (Moderator)

At Beyond tech: A nature-first approach to climate resilience from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm (GMT+8), speakers will explore the impact of nature-based solutions in protecting the environment and how they can draw inspiration from Indigenous communities to become more climate resilient.

Key takeaways:

  1. How governments can diversify their climate resilience strategies beyond technological solutions
  2. How governments can draw inspiration from Indigenous communities to develop more informed nature-based solutions
  3. The ecosystem services that nature-based solutions will bring when climate policies are conservation-centric

The speakers who will be sharing are:

  1. Dr Sonja Luz, Deputy CEO, Mandai Nature
  2. Dr Dan Friess, Deputy Director, NUS Centre for Nature-Based Climate Solutions
  3. Mr Firdaus Sani, Founder, OrangLaut SG
  4. Rachel Koh, Conservation Manager, WWF-Singapore (World Wide Fund for Nature Singapore)

We look forward to seeing you in person on 13 & 14 July 2022 at the Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore, Level 4, Stamford Ballroom.

We are inviting you to attend the event physically, with lunch and refreshments provided to all attendees. The event is free to attend for public sector officials, while an entrance fee of $834.60 will be charged to private sector delegates. Lunch and refreshments provided to all attendees on site.

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