EnMS ISO 50001:2011 Internal Auditor Course (2-day)

EnMS ISO 50001:2011 Internal Auditor Course (2-day)

ISO 50001:2011 Internal Auditor course is recommended for participants who have been tasked by their companies to start implementing ISO 50001:2011 or is in process of upgrading their skills in preparation for its implementation will benefit greatly from this course. It provides proven methods for participants to spearhead reviews, drill down on improvement areas, evaluate cost effective controls, balancing business growth, energy security, and risk management.

Course flyer: http://www.dnvba.com/sg/DNV%20%20Downloads/EnMS%20IAC.pdf

Course fee: S$900 per participant

Other dates:-

16 - 17 Apr 2014

22 - 23 May 2014

12 - 13 Jun 2014


I wish you Shalom (Wholeness & Peace)

for DNV GL Business Assurance Pte. Ltd.
Joseph Thomas

E-mail joseph.jj.thomas@dnvgl.com
Mobile +65 9663 1749

www.dnvgl.com | http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=72853451&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile

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