EcoVadis Workshop: Managing risks and opportunities with a sustainable and transparent supply chain

EcoVadis Workshop

Managing risks and opportunities with a sustainable and transparent supply chain

With increased regulation, public scrutiny and stakeholder expectations, the way businesses manage supply chain risk is changing. Setting up policy is no longer enough and procurement teams need more reliable indicators of suppliers’ sustainability performance, actions is urgently in need. In this session, join us to discuss why now is the time to go beyond Code of Conduct and the “tick-the-box” exercise to drive a more sustainable, innovative and resilient supply chain.

    1. • Is sustainable procurement part of your strategy? Are you collaborating with your suppliers to achieve these goals?
    1. • How are you managing supplier risk today? Do you have enough transparency and visibility on your suppliers’ practice? How are you collecting your information? What has and has not worked for you?
              • How do drive continuous improvement and more innovation for a more robust and sustainable supply chain?

Trainer: Aaron Leonard, Account Executive, APAC, EcoVadis

There are limited seats to attend this workshop which is part of the Asia Sustainability Reporting Summit 2019. For more information, kindly visit

Registration: To learn more about the workshop or to register, email to

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