Creating Resilient Strategies in Asia: Research Launch and Networking Drinks

Following the release of our latest research paper Creating Resilient Strategies: Asia-Pacific Report we would very much like to share this research personally with our Southeast Asia audience.

The global discussion: While business sustainability is increasingly recognized as vital in corporate planning, sustainability managers often struggle to get their agenda to the Board level. The reality is that most companies only react when in crisis, and strategy departments struggle at effective scenario planning in light of disruptive forces.

A regional context: Southeast Asia alone has witnessed serious disruptions in the past year alone. Be it Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, anti-Chinese riots in Vietnam, or the recent twin aviation tragedies that hit Malaysia’s national carrier. Even a stable economy like Singapore has not given immunity to businesses. Social media increases unwanted exposure to public scrutiny, while tightening compliance measures across the banks and real estate remained unabated. Disruptions like these inevitably affect the day-to-day businesses here – as a result entire supply chains and customers downstream end up feeling the shockwaves. While best-in-class global companies don’t seem to have all the answers, many companies increasingly see the need for robust, resilient strategies by engaging with those who matter in their business.

This event in Singapore aims to understand the nature of business relationships with society in this region. Society refers to the external players who affect the business – governments, customers, suppliers, interest groups, media and more. During this session, we will seek to address some questions often on the drawing board of strategy committees.

Key questions to be address in our discussion:

  • Is our business keeping the governments and relevant stakeholders abreast with issues that directly affect our operations?
  • How should we pre-empt competitors from different value chains from eating into our space?
  • What might our own competitive advantage look like if we could anticipate some of the challenges that lie ahead?

Who should attend: Senior managers and executives responsible for Strategy Development, Corporate Affairs, Sustainability and/or Communications

Taking place on Wednesday 17th September in Singapore.

Please note that this is a private event and spaces are limited. Should you feel that this event is relevant to you, please and we would be delighted to add you to the guest list.

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