CMI Academic Symposium 2012

Building Capacity for the New Low Carbon Economy

This one day Academic Symposium will bring together key industry leaders and academic providers to advance education and training in response to the needs of Australian industry in moving to a low carbon economy.

Australian industry is experiencing a paradigm shift of unprecedented scale with the introduction of the Clean Energy legislative package and 1 July commencement of the market.

High calibre industry speakers from legal, accounting, engineering, energy, finance, commerce, environment and agribusiness sectors will share their views and expertise with our audience outlining the capacity and knowledge gaps that need addressing through the provision of high quality education and training courses to meet the needs of the new low carbon economy.

Hear from industry leaders aligned to university faculties:

  • Finance/Accounting: Paul Simshauser, AGL, Chief Economist and Group Head of  Corporate Affairs
  • Policy: Emma Herd, Westpac, Executive Director Emissions and Environment
  • Agriculture/Land: Chris Mitchell, CO2 Group Limited, Executive Director Corporate Development
  • Law: Brendan Bateman, Clayton Utz, Partner
  • Engineering:  Chris Raine, Alstom, President and Managing Director, Australia and New Zealand.

Visit CMI’s website to review the program and register.

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