Changing Course 2019: An exploration of our climate crisis

Changing Course is an enthralling flagship climate initiative that raises awareness on the need to urgently respond to our climate crisis and inspires action to address it.

It is organised by Eco-Business—Asia Pacific’s media organisation dedicated to sustainable development—and supported by a diverse range of partners from government, business and civil society.

In its second edition, Changing Course 2019 is a multimedia exhibition developed by Eco-Business in collaboration with the ArtScience Museum.

It features a gallery of photographic prints by a team of award-winning journalists and a VR experience on the global climate crisis, as well as Arctic Awakening, a new short film documentary, shot on location in the Arctic and Singapore.

Changing Course 2019 raises awareness of the need to urgently respond to our climate crisis and inspires action to address it. It explores humanity’s relationship with our planet, outlines the challenges in our current global patterns of consumption and production, and provokes answers to this one central question: How can we change the course of humanity?

The exhibition is organised in support of Singapore’s Year Towards Zero Waste and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Join this journey from Asia to the Arctic and back as we speak to scientists, experts, business leaders, policymakers and everyone in between to tell the biggest story of our time.


Date: 5 October - 3 November 2019

Venue: ArtScience Museum, Level 4, 6 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore 018974

Time: 10am - 7pm

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