Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training IEMA Approved

This challenging 2-day course enables participants to acquire the skills and competencies required to become certified as global CSR practitioners. Through specialized, detailed and highly focused training, it provides them with the tools and necessary practical framework of every CSR aspect, including Strategy and Reporting, Stakeholder Engagement, Green Marketing and CSR Scorecard.

Upon completion of the course, trainees are able to apply their knowledge in all levels of CSR from the development and implementation of effective CSR strategies, to CSR reporting and communication.

This training is designed for:

  • CSO’s
  • Public Relations Managers
  • Marketing  Managers
  • Communication  Managers
  • Human Resources  Managers
  • Sustainability & Environmental professionals
  • Environment Executives
  • General Managers

Topics covered include

  • CSR & Sustainable Development
  • Local and International Trends and Legislation on CSR & Climate Change
  • The stakeholder Approach & Triple Bottom Line
  • The Design of a Sustainability Strategy
  • The Creation of a Carbon Footprint Strategy & LCA
  • Green Marketing and Cause Related Marketing
  • Sustainability (CSR) Strategy
  • GRI Reporting and Verification (GRI guidelines ISO26000, UNGP, CDP)
  • Global Standards, Guidelines, Tools for Integration
  • The Role of Sustainability (CSR) Manager

Learning Benefits

  • Learn how to use CSR and CSR reporting as your competitive advantage
  • Market your CSR initiatives avoiding greenwashing
  • Learn how to develop your organization’s business case on sustainability
  • Gain a Professional Certification as a global Sustainability / CSR Practitioner
  • Develop as an in-house or external consultant in your field or sector
  • Learn to use a comprehensive approach to create effective strategies and reports
  • Join a global network of Sustainability experts and on-going learning opportunities
  • Comfortable small group setting, promoting networking and best practice sharing
  • Short Course (first and final projects completed remotely)
  • Interactive exercises with diverse pool of participants

The CSR-P Certification

Upon successful completion of the training (and post course assignment) professionals gain the CSR-P Certification and CSR-P Seal. This is a world renowned recognition that verifies the CSR-P status.

CSE has trained more than 5,000 professionals, General Managers, Directors, and Senior Executives from prestigious organizations, across 25 countries and 5 continents since 2005. At present, more than 350 CSR Practitioners across North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East are implementing the most advanced methodologies on CSR Strategy and Reporting, Stakeholder Engagement, Green Marketing and CSR Scorecard.

For more information on the training and booking please click here

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Aglaia Ntili
[javascript protected email address]

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