CDL E-Generation Challenge 2019

CDL E-Generation Challenge 2019

The CDL E-Generation Challenge is an annual competition that unearths talented young advocates from Singapore and the ASEAN region, to give eco-champions an exciting platform that inspires thousands of others for a greener and more sustainable future. Winners from our past two E-Generation Challenge took part in expeditions to the Antarctica and the Coral Triangle at Raja Ampat archipelago. They have been fulfilling their role as advocates, reaching out to and engaging with people around the world to grow the green force for our planet.

The CDL E-Generation Challenge 2019 is searching for the next two inspiring changemakers to participate in environmental conservation work at the Arctic. The winners will join ClimateForce: Arctic 2019, an exciting 12-day expedition led by Robert Swan, one of the world’s greatest living explorers, and the first person to walk to both the North and South Poles, as well as his son Barney Swan, the first person in history to walk to the South Pole powered entirely by renewable energy. Both renowned explorers will lead our 2019 winners and a group of 80 explorers from around the world to the North Pole and catalyse solutions for the global fight against climate change.

This year’s competition was launched on 21 November 2018 at the Arctic Seminar held with the Swedish Ambassador for Arctic Affairs and the Director of the Polar Research Institute at the Singapore Sustainability Academy.

Participants from age 18 – 35 years old (as of 15 March 2019) are welcomed to apply. Submission deadline is on 15 March 2019, 2359hrs.


  • Participants should be a Singaporean, PR or have a valid citizenship/residency in any of the ASEAN countries.
  • It would be an added advantage if participants possess a strong passion for the environment and demonstrate abilities as change-makers with at least a 3-year track record in practicing and/or advocating environmental conservation.
  • Participants should be influencers with strong social media or other publicity network and effective communication skills.
  • A strong presence in related circles, such as NGOs, school CCAs and/or social media platforms is desirable.
  • Winners must able to commit to the entire duration of the two week expedition to the Arctic in June 2019. It will also be a requirement for winners to transcribe and share their experiences on the website or/and social media platforms identified or organized by the organisers.

More information about the competition can be enquired via email to

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