Catching The Sun: Green Drinks August Film Screening

An unemployed American worker, a Tea Party activist, and a Chinese solar entrepreneur race to lead the clean energy future. But who wins and who loses the battle for power in the 21st century?

Green Initiatives’ 65th documentary film screening, Catching the Sun, follows the hope and heartbreak of unemployed American workers seeking jobs in the solar industry over the course of a solar jobs training program. With countries like China investing in innovative technologies and capitalizing on this trillion-dollar opportunity, Catching the Sun tells the story of the global energy transition from the perspective of workers and entrepreneurs building solutions to income inequality and climate change with their own hands. Their successes and failures speak to one of the biggest questions of our time: will the U.S. actually be able to build a clean energy economy?



  • Film screening will be followed by a short discussion.
  • There will be an entrance fee of ¥50 for all registered guests, that includes snacks, juice and beer.
  • ¥70 for non-registered guests. ¥20 for students and interns, with PRIOR REGISTRATION and student card.
  • Light snacks and refreshments will provided to all attendees.


Director Shalini Kantayya’s Commentary

The journey to make Catching the Sun began because I was looking for hope. In post-industrial cities like Richmond, California, the dream of upward mobility is eroding. The oil economy has created monopolies and concentrated wealth and power in the hands of the few. I was fascinated by the idea that solar power could democratize and decentralize energy in a way that rebuilds the ladder of economic opportunity for workers and entrepreneurs. Through an unlikely set of characters, Catching the Sun is about people daring to lead a massive global energy transition that is already rapidly in play.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Nitin Dani
[javascript protected email address]

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