Best Practices For Sustainability Benchmarking

Most aspects of sustainability programs are new. And owners of the program can often be walking through new territory without a map. The range of initiatives is broad: implementing renewable energy contracts to achieve zero carbon emissions from your data centers, designing a strategic marketing umbrella prior to the launch of commercial sustainability propositions, organizing your team or benchmarking how you allocate your budget across dozens of activities. Sustainability leaders need benchmarks to get the balance right in their activities and spending.

This Verdantix webinar, hosted by Verdantix CEO David Metcalfe, provides an overview of a wide range of best practices for benchmarking your sustainability program. Topics covered in the webinar comprise industry-specific sustainability budget benchmarks, sustainable supply chain benchmarks, strategic marketing benchmarks that link your brand with sustainability and carbon strategy benchmarks. During the webinar you will learn how to apply these benchmarks to your business including leveraging the assessment frameworks to win more budget.

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