Building on the highly successful 2016 event, the Australian Industrial Ecology Network is pleased to invite you to join us for the 2nd Australian Waste to Energy Forum to be held on 22 & 23 February 2017 at the Mercure Ballarat Hotel and Convention Centre.
This two-day event with a theme of Waste to Energy – What it means in the Australian context, will bring industry and government professionals together to explore potential opportunities for the industry in Australia and what it might look like in the future.
Changes in government policy in recent years have created a renewed interest in waste to energy opportunities and Australia is now considered, internationally, to be a potential growth market. Due to Australia’s unique conditions it is widely accepted that the waste to energy market will be different here than in other countries.
This Forum will consider what has worked around the world and what we can learn from those experiences. What are the barriers and how to overcome them? Who are the stakeholders, what are their roles and how will they influence the industry? How does the plan for future energy requirements influence the development of a waste to energy industry in Australia?
We invite you to register at your earliest possible convenience and look forward to welcoming you to Ballarat in February
Sponsor/exhibitor contact
Veronica Dullens
[javascript protected email address]
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