Asia Clean Energy Summit

The Asia Clean Energy Summit (ACES) is unique as it enables different sectors of our community; industry, academia, and public officials, to come together. By coming together, these groups have the power to develop clean energy further in Asia.

ACES will:

  • Provides a platform to discuss, understand and experience Singapore’s “living laboratory” for solar adoption, the integration of renewable energy and electric vehicles, and learn how sustainable energy management is essential to liveable cities.
  • Helps shape the future of clean energy and smart-sustainable cities.
  • Explores collaboration and innovative clean energy solutions within a vibrant ecosystem of technology / service companies, research institutes and energy leaders.

Each ticket allows entry to all event tracks at ACES:

  1. Clean Energy Leaders Dialogue
  2. Solarising Singapore
  3. Solarising ASEAN
  4. PV Asia Financial Summit
  5. The 26th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference
  6. Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
  7. Asian Conference on Energy, Power, and Transportation Electrification
  8. The Digital World and The Future of Energy

View full programme details here.

See you at the Asia Clean Energy Summit 2016!

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