Africa Energy Indaba

In partnership with: SA National Energy Association, Department of Energy, World Energy Council, NEPAD Agency and SAEEC (dti Export Council)

The Africa Energy Indaba is the World Energy Council (WEC) African regional event and as such the event receives global recognition as the foremost event for energy professionals operating in Africa, wanting access to the growing African energy sector.

Host to African Energy Ministers and African Energy CEOs and many energy luminaries, the event is set to provide access to key energy decision makers in Africa. The event comprises a number of conferences and an exhibition to showcase energy products and services to meet Africa’s energy demands.

The African energy sector requires USD 40 billion worth of investment annually with a production capacity requirement of 7,000 megawatts per year to meet the demand required to ensure energy access to all Africans. This presents a major opportunity for companies to explore business opportunities in the African energy sector.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Liz Hart
[javascript protected email address]

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