A green digital revolution: Net zero and beyond

A green digital revolution: Net zero and beyond

Since the inking of the Paris Agreement in 2015, there has been a growing momentum among governments and corporates to pledge net zero emissions. This drive to decarbonize economies and industries has cast a sharp spotlight on one energy guzzler in particular — data centres.

Yet, the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the global digital transformation across the world. As we become increasingly reliant on digital technologies and services in our daily lives, demand for data is burgeoning, and along with it, the energy needed to power our digital economy.  

While the insatiable appetite for data continues to grow, one key question remains. How do we feed this hunger for data sustainably?

What are pathways to decarbonization for the data centre industry?

What are the existing policy and technological gaps, and how can stakeholders in this ecosystem work together to achieve high efficiencies and sustainability standards.

Eco-Business, along with Engie Impact and RED Engineering, are delighted to invite you to join us for a Senior Leaders Roundtable titled “A green digital revolution: Net zero and beyond”.

This is a by invitation only event. Interested parties please write into events@eco-business.com


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