CSR Business Conference - Good Business: Issues of Sustainable Growth

The fifth annual conference theme is Good Business: Issues of Sustainable Growth. The conference on corporate social responsibility is for business professionals and nonprofit leaders and will be held March 15, 2016 at The Foundry in Seattle, WA.


Networking Breakfast

An opportunity for attendees to meet informally and begin discussions before the day.

Opening Keynote Address - Alignment of Corporate & Community Values

Michael Phillips, Chairman of Federal Way Asset Management and former Chairman & CEO of Russell Investments, will set the stage for the day’s discussions and challenge the thinking of attendees on the role of business in creating and building sustainable communities.

Research Presentation - Challenges & Opportunities for Equitable Economic Development

Dr. Ali Modares, Professor and Director of Urban Studies, University of Washington Tacoma

Panel Discussion - Economic Growth and Community Impact

In a robust business growth economy, how does a socially responsible business engage in “sustainable” growth? What is business’ role in ethical community development: driver, navigator, or passenger?

Keynote Luncheon Address - Why Biology Is Good for Business

Elisabet Sahtouris, M.S., Ph.D. is an evolution biologist, futurist, professor, speaker, author, and sustainabiliity consultant to businesses, government agencies, and other organizations. She has been a science writer for the NOVA-HORIZON TV series, (WGBH Boston/BBC London), a UN Consultant on ingigenous peoples, was invited to Childa under the auspices of the Chinese National Science Organization, is a Fellow of the World Business Academy and an advisor to Ethical Markets.

Breakout Roundtable Discussions

These moderated roundtable discussions will engage attendees in discussing hands-on strategies for advancing CSR initiatives within their firms.

  1. Community Engagement Strategies and Successes - Moderator to be named
  2. Employee Engagement Strategies and Successes - Mark Horoszowski, Co-founder, Moving Worlds
  3. How to Turn CSR Naysayers into Your Allies - Kevin Wilhelm, CEO, Sustainable Business Consulting

Panel Discussion - Role of Corporations in Civic Engagement

What is business’ role in building and sustaining livable communities where their employees, customers, and stakeholders can all live and thrive? How does business best engage in this important discussion of housing, wages, and gentrification?

  • Zach Silk, President, Civic Ventures
  • Racquel Russell, Director, Government Relations and Civic Affairs, Zillow
  • Final panelist to be named

Closing Keynote Address

Speaker to be named

Networking Reception

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