8th China digital supply chain innovation summit 2022

8th China digital supply chain innovation summit 2022

Covid-19 and anti-globalisation have exposed the hidden dangers of China’s industry chain and supply chain. The “14th Five-Year Plan” clearly points out that the digital supply chain is an important link to promote the stability of the industrial chain and the supply chain for smooth circulation of the national economy.

Therefore, it is urgent to explore the action mechanism of the digital supply chain to promote domestic and international double-cycle; Meanwhile, how to realise the sustainable development of the supply chain under the double carbon strategy is also concerned.

This Summit will focus on hot topics such as how to carry out strategic planning and implementation of the digital supply chain under double-cycle pattern and carbon-neutral, how to build an end-to-end digital supply chain to optimise production plan, how to carry out digital reform for procurement to realise its sustainable development, how to realise intelligent manufacturing to improve production efficiency and reduce carbon emission, how to optimise logistics service and enhance risk response-ability by digital technology, how to cultivate digital talents and accelerate the digital transformation of the supply chain.

This summit brings best practice cases of the digital supply chain for decision-makers of enterprises, assists enterprises to improve the speed and efficiency of the supply chain, brings economic benefits to enterprises and promotes the formation of a double cycle pattern.


  • 20+ Industry-leading enterprise intelligence sharing
  • 100+ Participants
  • On-site networking with industry leaders and leading-edge enterprises
  • Simultaneous online and offline promotion for more brand exposure

Hot topics

  • Methodology and Practice of Digital Strategic Planning and Implementation of Supply Chain
  • Building End-to-end Supply Chain to Optimise Production Plan
  • How to Measure the Performance of Digital Transformation While Deploying Digital Supply Chain Projects
  • Digital Model Empowers Forecast Accuracy of Demand
  • RPA Technology Empowers Logistics Supply Chain Management Optimisation
  • Transformation Path of Enterprise Digital Procurement under Carbon Neutral Background
  • Digital Empowers End-to-End “Lighthouse Factory”
  • Application and Practice of Supply Chain Control Tower in Manufacturing Industry
  • Fireside Talk: How to Cultivate Digital Talents in Supply Chain under the Digital Wave

Contacts: Wes Wei
Tel: 13271915990
Email: marketing@ecvinternational.com

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Wes Wei
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