2nd Edition World ESG Summit

2nd Edition World ESG Summit

The World ESG Summit Asia is a continuation of the highly successful World ESG Summit Dubai, which brought together participants from around the world to discuss ESG practices and sustainability in business. This second edition of the summit will be held in Asia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 21-22 August 2023.

This two-day summit will bring together leading industry professionals, investors, and experts to discuss effective methods for incorporating ESG principles into business practices, with a particular focus on achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the latest advances and technologies in sustainable business practices, as well as the financial benefits of adopting these practices such as cost savings and increased investor interest.

The summit will also feature informative discussions and insightful sessions on topics such as reducing carbon emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and implementing eco-friendly operations.

We live in an era of unprecedented global challenges, from climate change to social inequality and environmental degradation. In this context, ESG has emerged as a critical framework for addressing these challenges and building a more sustainable future. The World ESG Summit provides an ideal platform for exploring these issues and the opportunities they present.

For more information about the summit, please visit www.worldesgsummit.com.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Muzamil Amin
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