2015 WMAA WasteQ Conference

The Queensland Branch of the Waste Management Association of Australia (WMAA) is hosting the 2015 WasteQ Conference from 9 - 11 September 2015 at the Tanks Art Centre, Cairns. The theme for this year’s conference is Regional Waste Management – Opportunities and Challenges.

Regional Australia broadly refers to the areas that lie outside the major capital cities and their surrounding urban suburbs. Regional areas are home to a significant proportion of the population and come with their own unique challenges and issues. These areas can sometimes be overlooked in terms of policy, research, investment opportunities, partnerships, innovative practise and technology in waste management and resource recovery.

This conference will examine the challenges, opportunities and future prospects that face waste management in regional Australia. It will identify some of the current and emerging issues facing regional waste management and resource recovery and look at success stories and lessons learnt that build the business case for improved waste management in regional areas.

The conference will be of particular interest to: industry managers; regulators; local government councillors and staff; state and federal government; consultants; service providers; technology providers; economists; planners; environment managers; academics and engineers.

Delegates will have the opportunity to hear from experts from around Australia, contribute to debate and discussion and network with their industry peers.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Jan Cornay
[javascript protected email address]

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