2012 Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Green Excellence Awards

Now in its second consecutive year, the Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Green Excellence Awards recognize Asian organizations that have excelled in green product and green technology innovation. Exemplary companies across different industries and functional disciplines in the region will be recognized in the following categories:

  • Environment
  • Energy & Power
  • Chemicals
  • Logistics
  • Healthcare
  • IT

Frost & Sullivan analysts will short list, evaluate and conduct research across the region. This research is an invaluable source to companies for new ideas to improve strategies and processes, which ultimately drive corporate growth. The research will be presented to internal panel of judges who will deliberate the final list of award recipients.

Award recipients were evaluated based on their social impact, overall market growth and penetration, profit margins, growth in market share, stock price, and overall industry impact.

The Frost & Sullivan Green Excellence Awards are presented to companies in the Building and Environment, Energy, Logistics, Healthcare and Chemicals industry sectors that have demonstrated significant progress in enhancing the long-term sustainability and managing the environmental impact of its operations, which results in measurable improvement in the company’s overall environmental performance within its industry sector.

Going green is not just good for the environment, its good for business, and the commitment to develop applications, products, and technologies with a strong focus on conservation, long-term sustainability, and reduced dependency on conventional resources is worth recognizing.

We developed the Green Excellence Awards program to inspire developers, innovators and designers to integrate green strategies into their products and services. The Program recognizes companies, organizations, and individuals across a variety of fields for groundbreaking initiatives and innovations that originated from a firm sense of environmental responsibility.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Cindy Gan
[javascript protected email address]

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