15th International Riversymposium

Rivers are the lifeblood of human settlements providing a myriad of ecosystem services. As the global population passes 7 billion, the sustainable management of our rivers and water resources is crucial.

The 15th International Riversymposium, 8-11 October 2012 in Melbourne, VIC will look at Rivers in a Rapidly Urbanising World and will explore the intricately linked pressures on rivers as our urban population grows and expands.

Program focus areas will include:

- A river runs through it: designing river cities

- River health: healthy rivers, healthy economies, healthy people

- River ecology: beneath the surface

- River knowledge: tools and techniques for action

- River pressures: pathways to sustainability

- River partnerships: integrating people, governance and policy

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Carla Mathisen
[javascript protected email address]

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