1 Day Sustainability in the Leather Supply Chain—UK, Northampton (September 2019)

For many brands and retailers leather sustainability is of growing importance to customers. This leather sustainability course covers some of the key aspects of traceability within the leather supply chain.

Key topics

  • An overview of common leathers types and from which animals
  • Traceability and material sources
  • An overview of the leather making process
  • Chemical management and risks within the process
  • Environmental impacts and appropriate stewardship
  • NGO activity and the Leather life cycle

Download Course Agenda

Who should attend?

Ideal for those who need to have an overview of sustainability such as those new to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) roles, supply chain managers, marketers, buyers, and decision makers.

What will delegates receive?

All course delegates will receive:

  • A complete course manual
  • A certificate of attendance

Complete the booking form

In order to register your place on a Eurofins | BLC training course, please complete the course registration form and email it to training@blcleathertech.com

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