Singapore Futures Sustainability Symposium 2013 (SFSS 2013)

28 Sept 2013 Saturday | 1PM to 6PM 
UTown Auditorium 2, Stephen Riady Centre | National University of Singapore

Organised by a group of NUS Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) students, the Singapore Futures Sustainability Symposium is an annual symposium that will explore environmental issues relevant to Singapore’s future. Recognising that the quality of our environment is fundamental to economic and social development, the SFSS aims to increase environmental awareness and foster greater debate about the future of Singapore.

The theme for the inaugural SFSS in 2013 is “The Population White Paper and the Environment” and will explore the environmental risks and trade-offs associated with the Population White Paper and its companion land-use plan. The symposium will examine the issues from the perspective of the natural and urban environment.

Sign up for the SFSS 2013 at:

For more information, please visit

Do note that sign ups are limited and on a first-come-first-serve basis.

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