#palm oil Berita

Sabah pygmy elephants
Elephant encroachment into plantation estates remain a recurring problem, Eco-Business observes on a recent visit to Sukau, Kinabatangan, where forested areas have been fragmented by thousands of hectares of oil palm sites.
Oil palm estate in Sabah
A new bill aims to update Sabah's labour law and align Malaysia with international standards. It introduces provisions on child labour and improved protections. However, activists stress that educating workers on their rights is crucial.
Oil palm estate in Sabah
A recent study found that the more transparent palm oil companies are in reporting their ESG performance, the less they are valued by investors. This is largely the result of a dated narrative that has shaped investor confidence in the sector, a former palm oil company sustainability manager has said.
Land cleared to make way for palm oil in Indonesia
Alleged environmental and human rights violations by Indonesia’s second-largest palm oil producer implicate multinationals including Unilever, Olam, BlackRock and Jardine Matheson. The allegations come amid Indonesia’s push for better governance over its palm oil industry, which is the world’s largest. AAL denies any wrongdoing.
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#palm oil Opini

New domestic policies and consumer goods manufacturers and retailers are steering Chinese suppliers toward sustainable palm oil practices.
Indonesian palm oil worker
Asia is the dominant producer and buyer of palm oil, so production standards in Indonesia and Malaysia and the policies of palm buyers in the region will determine the next stage of its sustainability journey.
Kuamut forest reserve sabah
Malaysia is expected to launch its first local nature-based carbon credit but it faces a jurisdictional quagmire, wherein forest management is predominantly governed by state authorities.
Prabowo and Gibran
The country’s presumed incoming leaders have said they would continue food estate projects that have caused deforestation, while Prabowo’s coal ties may make it hard for him to advance the energy transition. The public needs to speak up.
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#palm oil Video

Simon Lord and Pamela Mar on Sustainability One on One
In the first in a new video series where sustainability leaders interview each other about the toughest things about their jobs, Simon Lord of Malaysian palm oil giant Sime Darby Plantation went head to head with Pamela Mar of Hong Kong-based textile and apparel giant Fung Group.
cargill fishermen
Studio EB Smallholder fish farmers in rural Kalimantan are turning towards sustainability, with some assistance from an agribusiness company.
Jali, founder of transport cooperative Parung Jaya Cooperative, speaks to one of his drivers
Studio EB What does it mean to build a clean and fair palm oil supply chain? For drivers in Indonesia used to unsafe working conditions, this is what it could look like.
Daughter Riri Damayanti (left) and her father Syamsul Bahri (right) are colleagues at a palm oil company in South Sumatra.
Studio EB What has been the effect of this agribusiness company's dual-income policy on the households of its Indonesian workers?
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#palm oil Podcasts

Smoke from burning land in Indonesia
Studio EB Transboundary haze pollution is back with a vengeance in Southeast Asia. The Eco-Business Podcast talks to RSPO CEO Joseph D'Cruz about what the palm oil sector can do to put out the peatland fires that have burned annually for four decades.
Palm oil farmers working with Natural Habitats
Some environmentalists would argue that there's no such thing as sustainably grown palm oil, because of the crops links to deforestation and human rights abuses. Eco-Business spoke to Monique van Wijnbergen about how palm can be done right.
Child labour on palm oil plantation
Studio EB Should the priority be to stop all child labour on palm oil plantations? Or to address the root causes of child labour?
Smallholders in palm oil industry
Studio EB Smallholders have taken much of the blame for this year's haze-causing forest fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan. How can they be motivated to switch to more sustainable, fire-free production methods?
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leaf background pattern

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