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Yangtze River flood
China is the most affected country in Asia from floods and typhoons, followed by Myanmar, India and the Philippines. But high-income countries are not exempt from climate damage.
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Berita Terbaru

India Narendra Modi and China Xi Jinping
Thirteen countries submitted their Nationally Determined Contributions to the UN – including Singapore, the only Asian nation to do so – while the majority of Paris Agreement signatories missed a 10 February deadline. Countries could be holding back in light of uncertainties in a post-Trump world, say observers.


Kutipan hari ini

Nature-based solutions are now severely underfunded. If we can think of them as a way of managing water and preserving biodiversity too, the ripple effect would be much larger.


A handful of fashion brands – H&M, Ralph Lauren, Decathlon and Adidas – are working to stop using coal to power their factories in 2025, while others are prioritising decarbonisation at lower levels of ambition.

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Laporan Khusus

A large expanse of mud lies before the under-construction palace in Indonesia's new capital Ibu Kota Nusantara, in East Kalimantan.
Eco-Business interviewed people in East Kalimantan to get a sense of what Indonesians feel about the "smart forest city" being built to replace sinking, polluted Jakarta. Will Nusantara live up to the hype?
Mekong River_Laos
A closer look at how these ‘energy transition’ deals are backed reveals gaps in the lending policies of banks in the Mekong subregion. A 1,460-MW dam, now under construction near the Luang Prabang UNESCO World Heritage Site, will see all its electricity sold to Thailand, but critics have pointed out that the nation is facing an oversupply of energy.
The city's plans to halve emissions by 2035 and achieve net zero by 2050 may be ambitious. But NGOs tracking its policy direction over the years are not convinced and demand a more measurable roadmap with interim goals – not just long-term pledges.
bicol typhoon trami
Attribution to global warming is still challenging due to the lack of weather stations in rural areas and small islands, according to the Philippine Climate Change Assessment Cycle report.