Lingkungan Berita

Eco-Business Wasted KL 02
Building these facilities is now the government's strategy to waste disposal, though some have called the move misguided. Speakers at the Kuala Lumpur premiere of Eco-Business's film 'Wasted' called for the focus to be on education instead.
With the 2024 Euros and Paris Olympics vowing to be greener, Dialogue Earth explores the challenges of cutting emissions from major sporting events.
Lim Lecarl
Lim leads Post-Growth Singapore, a movement pursuing alternatives to the relentless pursuit of economic growth in the wealthy city-state. He shares with Eco-Business why reimagining our societal and economic structures is essential.
Women battle extreme heat as they push to keep playing sports against all odds in Pakistan's sweltering Sindh province.
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Lingkungan Opini

Rohingya refugees sit on a makeshift boat as they are interrogated by the Border Guard Bangladesh
Most Rohingya end up in the Aceh province of Indonesia where they not only face hostility from locals, but more uncertainty about their future.
Salad bowl
The global food system is responsible for about 30 per cent of annual greenhouse gas emissions.
An advertisement for the proposed Narrabri gas project in New South Wales
Fossil fuel firms are among the biggest spenders on Google ads that are designed to resemble search results.
yellow vests
If the EU is to achieve its 2030 and 2050 climate goals, it must act now to ensure that it can weather the inevitable political headwinds. A new green social contract and industrial policy can make all the difference.
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Lingkungan Video

Jack Johnson and Jessica Cheam
Eksklusif Jack Johnson says yes, but it is a long road ahead. In this exclusive interview, we ask the American singer-songwriter and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador about his hopes for the state of the world and how music plays a role in providing a dose of optimism in dark times.
The Green Mortician is Singapore's first water cremation service
The Green Mortician is the city-state's first water cremation service, which has a small carbon footprint compared to traditional funeral options.
Dr Sylvia Earle
Eksklusif In this exclusive interview to mark Earth Day, Eco-Business speaks to Dr Sylvia Earle, oceanographer and founder of Mission Blue, who draws the link between our climate crisis and the health of our oceans.
good meat eat just chicken bites
Novel food firms are dreaming big about market expansion, but first they must overcome diners' doubts and a huge cost hurdle.
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Lingkungan Podcasts

Clover Hogan, climate activist, speaking in 2019
Eco-anxiety is a healthy psychological response, says 24-year-old activist Clover Hogan. The founder of nonprofit Force of Nature tells the Eco-Business Podcast how to respond to anxiety in a world that is "numb" to the climate crisis.
Sea orchards developed on decommissioned oil platforms
Former petrochemicals industry executives Steve Willis and Genevieve Hilton have written a novel set 50 years into the future that has a happy ending. They tell the Eco-Business podcast that the book is a pitch to carbon-intensive industries to try workable climate solutions.
EB podcast - Kerry alternative milk
Studio EB Plant-based milks have grown in popularity in recent years, driven by a combination of health, environmental and practical concerns. Nutritionists on the Eco-Business podcast, produced in association with Kerry, weigh the pros and cons of non-dairy milk.
Apa Kata Wanita Orang Asli EB podcast
The stories of Malaysia’s indigenous tribes are now being captured through the fresh lenses of young female filmmakers. In this bilingual podcast recorded in English and Bahasa Melayu, they tell Eco-Business why they've picked up the camera.
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leaf background pattern

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