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It will be tough to ensure the 'fuel-switch' changes are genuinely low-carbon, economic and sustained.
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Kutipan hari ini

There’s a fifty-fifty chance that the average temperature for the entire next five-year period will be 1.5 degrees higher than pre-industrial times. We are playing Russian roulette with our planet. We need an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell.


New domestic policies and consumer goods manufacturers and retailers are steering Chinese suppliers toward sustainable palm oil practices.

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Laporan Khusus

Pandawa Agri_organic farming
Going 100 per cent organic is not easy for smallholder farmers in the region. Is there a middle road to take where a gradual shift can be managed, while ensuring that the livelihoods of farmers are taken care of?
Women sift sand, hunting for tiny plastic pellets and other debris still washing ashore since the sinking of the X-Press Pearl, a vessel containing chemicals and plastics, in May 2021 off the coast of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Six months after the sinking of the Singapore-flagged X-Press Pearl off the coast of Colombo, local communities are trying to recover from one of the worst maritime disasters in history.
22 ways lead image
Trying to lead a more sustainable lifestyle is often fraught with controversy, contradiction and hypocrisy, and tackling big problems like climate change and social inequality can seem futile. But there are some things you can do to make a difference in the Year of the Tiger. Here are 22 of them...
A wall decorated with zoo animals masks construction on the other side.
Recent outcry over deforestation in the city-state has started a conversation about where forests fit in the future of a metropolis that aims to be a ‘city in nature’.