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plastic waste india
The Indian government's efforts to promote polymer production while also imposing ineffective plastic bans have resulted in a pollution crisis that is spiralling out of control.
leaf background photo

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Berita Terbaru

Energy Taiwan 2024 press conference
But the island will have to keep both priorities and decarbonise its AI sector. At a press conference before its energy trade show now delayed by a typhoon, industry players touted battery storage as key to meeting Taiwan's renewables expansion needs.


Kutipan hari ini

Asia will have to work towards decoupling economic growth from emissions...There can be no compromise on the eventual goal: close to net-zero emissions around the middle of the century. That timeline is set not by politics or economics, but by nature.


An aerial view of the Southern Cardamom REDD+ project in Cambodia, image by Gabrielle See
It is risky to assume the many high-level standard-setting initiatives today can provide blanket improvements. Asian businesses all have a part to play to create a trusted carbon market that benefits climate, nature and stakeholders.

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EB Podcast Dubai Sustainable City
Eyes are on whether the city’s plan to build the world’s “greenest highway” will take off. The Eco-Business Podcast speaks to Marwa Nahlawi from Diamond Developers, the real estate developer behind Dubai's "Sustainable City" brand, which adopts a similar green spine concept.

Laporan Khusus

Fossil fuel advertising on media_concept photo
No publisher in Asia has publicly rejected Big Oil ad dollars to date, and most provide a platform for fossil fuel brands, described by UN chief Antonio Guterres as "godfathers of climate chaos". Journalists and news consumers believe dirty energy advertising discredits climate-related content, but support for a tobacco-style ad ban is limited.
Killing them softly graphics
This special report looks at how a coal plant in Batangas, Philippines, could become the world’s first to be retired using the novel class of carbon credits. Are the methodologies sound, and how will just transition plans be implemented?
After just over a year since the MT Princess Empress disaster in Oriental Mindoro, environmental groups have renewed calls to ‘make polluters pay’ as the nation grapples with more frequent super typhoons and yet another massive oil spill, now closer to the Philippine capital.
On International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, Eco-Business looks at the unexpected rapid growth of a thriving mangrove forest in Iloilo City, Philippines, following the completion of a man-made floodway.

Rilis Pers

Climate Finance Asia
Climate Finance Asia, a leading sustainable finance advisory firm, announced today the launch of the Just Transition Working Group to explore practical ways to integrate Just Transition best practices into …