Kambodia Berita

A look at Southeast Asia's evolving landscape of solar energy adoption, from achievements to hurdles and future aspirations.
Five hydropower dams are currently being built in the Cardamom Mountains with reservoirs set to collectively span more than 15,000 hectares (37,065 acres) across protected forests.
An aerial view of the Southern Cardamom REDD+ project in Cambodia, image by Gabrielle See
The Bursa Carbon Exchange, which holds its first auction for RECs today, should stop trading abuse-linked environmental credits and review its eligibility criteria, says non-profit RimbaWatch. Bursa Malaysia says credits traded on its platform meet global standards.
Kuamut waterfall
Observers believe the US$10 indicative price for the Kuamut Rainforest Conservation Project’s carbon credits is more than fair, given its highly rated co-benefits and low jurisdictional risk.
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Kambodia Opini

For Southeast Asia, it need not be a binary choice between maintaining status quo or pushing for 'degrowth'. Reducing emissions without neglecting job growth imposes lower social costs, and can be a pathway to take for the region.
Eco-Business Changing Course exhibition
Eco-Business has launched new subscription plans for our community. We invite you to support our independent journalism and thought leadership initiatives to forge a sustainable Asia and beyond.
Plastic bottles_recycling_Singapore
Asean states need to unite on a common stand to beat plastic waste, but national and local efforts matter too.
Governments in the region must fix their opaque regulatory frameworks and make use of innovative financing models, says analyst Shantanu Srivastava.
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Kambodia Video

renewables race video
Southeast Asian nations are racing to bring clean, affordable power to their people, but one country is outrunning them all. How can states make their renewable energy transition a success?
Garment tornado at Clothing the Loop
An abandoned garment factory in Phnom Penh is reclaimed by artists in a haunting exhibition that depicts the impact of the fashion industry on the environment.
solar septic tank
The Asian Institute of Technology demonstrates how the heat from solar power can help disinfect septic tanks at the recently held Reinvent the Toilet exhibition in New Delhi, India.
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Kambodia Podcasts

Coal power plant Laos 2021
Laos has announced the construction of two new coal plants for this year, despite growing evidence that coal power comes with significant financial risk. What is holding back the country from tapping its rich clean energy resources instead?
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leaf background pattern

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