Free Webinar: Unlocking the mysteries of DJSI

Webinar:  Unlocking the mysteries of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

It is the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) season again. Not listed last year? Worried about maintaining your position this year? Know you need to do more, but don’t know what or how? Our webinar will answer your questions.

DJSI is the most recognized sustainable investment ranking.  More companies are vying for a spot on the list. Only the top companies within each industry group are included.  Producing a strong application is important. It requires more than just ticking boxes and including general answers. Moreover, an effective approach to the DJSI application process can provide real value to the company. It can be used as a driver for continuous improvement, lead to sharper targets, more robust policies, and more effective measurement. It boosts internal engagement and embeds corporate responsibility/sustainability across the business.

Corporate Citizenship, a global corporate responsibility and sustainability consultancy, is offering a free webinar to provide insights into DJSI.  Megan DeYoung, Director  and Peter Truesdale, Associate Director will leverage their experience advising companies on responsibility activities and DJSI applications to discuss the following topics:

  • How DJSI works.
  • Internal benefits of DJSI.
  • Tips to creating a strong DJSI application.

The free webinar will be offered at:

Thursday 14th March 2013 is at 9:00 AM EST / 1:00 PM GMT / 9.00PM SGT


About Corporate Citizenship

Corporate Citizenship is a full service corporate responsibility management consulting company, with offices in the US and the UK. Since 1997, we have advised leading, multinational corporations on how to enhance and align their citizenship and traditional business activities to create strategic business value. Our clients are international and domestic companies from many industries including Unilever, Abbott, HSBC, Verizon, National Grid, Golden Agri, and Diageo.

For more information, contact

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