#energy transition Berita

GIC building
As climate tech funding cools, the Singapore state-owned investor has launched an investment scheme betting on long-term returns from green assets, such as early-stage decarbonisation solutions in green steel and battery storage.
China’s Third Plenum, an important five-yearly meeting traditionally associated with major economic reforms, concluded on 18 July in Beijing.
With more companies having to reveal their emissions and climate action plans, this transparency can spur China’s low-carbon transition.
A look at Southeast Asia's evolving landscape of solar energy adoption, from achievements to hurdles and future aspirations.
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#energy transition Opini

Chevron's Gorgon CCS plant
Carbon capture and storage has been hailed as a potential way to reduce emissions, but it is more likely to increase them by boosting oil and gas extraction. The cheaper and more effective solution is to move to cleaner forms of energy.
Funders put billions into the ‘blue economy’ but are ignoring its core principles of equity and sustainability, says Essam Yassin Mohammed.
Bangkok financial district
The concept of a just transition has become mainstream, as seen from initiatives across the world, from Dubai to China, New Zealand, and the Philippines. However, the role that private actors can and should play in this remains unclear.
Coal power plants
As the Asian Development Bank holds its premiere clean energy event this week, human rights activist Lidy Nacpil argues it is not acceptable merely to accelerate the transition.
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#energy transition Video

BCG video Eco-Business
Studio EB Asia's green transition pathways need to be socially inclusive given huge differences in economic development across the region, says experts at the Boston Consulting Group. State-owned enterprises have an "outsized" role to play, they add.
Jovie Montajes, founder of Light of Hope PH
After 20 years without electricity, more than 50 households in Cebu's poorest district have been provided with solar energy, financed by carbon offsets.
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#energy transition Podcasts

Clover Hogan, climate activist, speaking in 2019
Eco-anxiety is a healthy psychological response, says 24-year-old activist Clover Hogan. The founder of nonprofit Force of Nature tells the Eco-Business Podcast how to respond to anxiety in a world that is "numb" to the climate crisis.
JET-P Indonesia podcast
The populous coal-rich powerhouse has six months to tell investors how it plans to spend G7 money to decarbonise equitably. We ask experts about the risks, strategy, and opportunities.
Gojek vehicle in Indonesia
GoTo sustainability head Tanah Sullivan tells the Eco-Business Podcast that regulating net-zero claims would decarbonise Southeast Asia faster. Indonesia's biggest internet firm aims to cut emissions to zero by 2030 — a target critics say is unrealistic.
Energy imports EB Podcast
Ambitious plans to transmit clean energy from India, China and Australia into Southeast Asia have been proposed in recent years. Eco-Business speaks with two energy experts on the prospects, challenges and ingredients for success.
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