#rural communities Berita

On International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, Eco-Business looks at the unexpected rapid growth of a thriving mangrove forest in Iloilo City, Philippines, following the completion of a man-made floodway.
Climate-induced disasters are forcing people to migrate out of mountainous areas, and in the process their languages and cultures are being profoundly affected.
Suntariya Muanpawong_Thai judge
Thailand is still used as a hub for wildlife trafficking networks, and Muanpawong tells Eco-Business that judicial innovation is needed to address the transboundary nature of wildlife trade. Putting the poor in prisons doesn't help, she says.
Sabah pygmy elephants
Elephant encroachment into plantation estates remain a recurring problem, Eco-Business observes on a recent visit to Sukau, Kinabatangan, where forested areas have been fragmented by thousands of hectares of oil palm sites.
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#rural communities Opini

Many cities in the Indo-Pacific have public transport stops close to at least half of their populations, but wider access remains a challenge.
Rohingya refugees sit on a makeshift boat as they are interrogated by the Border Guard Bangladesh
Most Rohingya end up in the Aceh province of Indonesia where they not only face hostility from locals, but more uncertainty about their future.
The outgoing Widodo administration neglected Indigenous land rights in favour of development. The incoming Prabowo administration needs to resolve this issue before such abuse becomes even more widespread.
India is on its way to becoming the third-largest economy in the world, yet unemployment among young people with graduate degrees is at an all-time high.
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#rural communities Video

Brookes Point human barricade
Video footage appears to show protestors, who were demonstrating against mining operations, being dragged away by police near Ipilan Nickel Mine in Brooke’s Point, Palawan. Mining insiders are calling for maximum tolerance in similar standoffs.
Mindoro oil spill_fisherfolk clean up
A coalition of scientists and environmentalists found “widespread economic impacts” for communities in the Philippine province, heightening calls for accountability from the sunken tanker reportedly chartered by a San Miguel Corp subsidiary.
Jovie Montajes, founder of Light of Hope PH
After 20 years without electricity, more than 50 households in Cebu's poorest district have been provided with solar energy, financed by carbon offsets.
solar gili air id
Southeast Asia's largest energy consumer has been slow to transition to renewables, but recent policies point to greater expansion of the country's solar, tidal and geothermal energy production.
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#rural communities Podcasts

Cantilan Bank aftermath of Rai_EB podcast logo
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas assistant governor tells the Eco-Business Podcast about the regulator’s maiden sustainability report that features an empirical study of climate impacts on banks as well as the nation’s first taxonomy.
EB podcast gender energy
In a region where large hydro projects and expanding biofuel plantations coincide with an upcoming coal phaseout, a laissez-faire approach could worsen existing inequalities and mar the success of a clean energy buildout.
JET-P Indonesia podcast
The populous coal-rich powerhouse has six months to tell investors how it plans to spend G7 money to decarbonise equitably. We ask experts about the risks, strategy, and opportunities.
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leaf background pattern

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