#roads Berita

On June 15, the government of Pará state in Brazil gave the green light for the construction of the new Avenida Liberdade highway in the state capital, Belém, that will split up two conservation areas and run past a traditional Afro-Brazilian community.
Five hydropower dams are currently being built in the Cardamom Mountains with reservoirs set to collectively span more than 15,000 hectares (37,065 acres) across protected forests.
In Jordan, severe water shortages have led to the rise of illegal water markets, where independent vendors supply water from private wells, highlighting the urgent need to balance household access and sustainable groundwater management.
Hidden roads bring commerce and deforestation; now researchers hope AI may slow the destruction.
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#roads Opini

Many cities in the Indo-Pacific have public transport stops close to at least half of their populations, but wider access remains a challenge.
By making walkability a central component of how we design our cities, we can create vibrant, inclusive and environmentally sustainable urban landscapes.
More than half the city will be under 1.2 metres of flood waters by the end of this century if action is not taken now.
As cities grow and heat up, it’s time to get rid of your air-conditioner and have more plants in your homes.
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#roads Video

plastic strewn road in India
Plastic pollution is a huge problem all over of the world. Will India's plastic roads be a solution?
Modi and Xi
China has provided huge funding supposedly to help developing countries mitigate and adapt to climate impacts, but it is also financing coal projects included in the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI). What do recipient countries make of this?
screen shot tomorrow
Moving away from narratives that spell fear of climate-related catastrophes, "Tomorrow" tells stories of how ordinary people -- from Icelandic volcanoes to Indian slums -- employ innovative ways to fight the effects of climate change.
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#roads Podcasts

GSK green office
Studio EB [The EB Podcast] In the second episode of the series Tomorrow’s cities: Engineering the energy transition, we explore how to build zero carbon cities in fast-growing Southeast Asia.
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leaf background pattern

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