#haze Berita

Land deforested in a concession in East Kalimantan owned by Sulaidy.
Palm oil company First Resources has denied that it secured sugarcane concessions in Papua through its subsidiaries, which would jeopardise a no-deforestation pledge the company made almost a decade ago.
Ground-level ozone, an invisible pollutant, hampers tree growth and reduces carbon absorption, potentially making tropical forests less effective as carbon sinks than previously estimated.
Three companies that manage pulpwood plantations in Indonesia are facing a citizen lawsuit over repeated fires on their concessions that have been blamed for illnesses and other disruptions.
The global market for e-bikes is surging. These bicycles, usually equipped with pedals and an electric motor assist, are popular with consumers and commuters and are becoming part of local business delivery systems. The trend could significantly reduce particulate pollution and smog, as well as cut carbon emissions in the transportation sector.
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#haze Opini

As climate change makes smog and bushfires more common, people will die from air pollution at increasingly high rates – especially in densely populated cities.
Air pollution is a 'silent killer', say former New Zealand PM and former WHO chief scientist.
Both countries must address a lack of awareness among farmers, limited access to machinery and sticking to traditional practices. International funding can better equip these efforts.
Smoke from forest fires pollutes populated areas without regard for international boundaries
Governments, civil society and the international community need to work fast as the dry season approaches and smoke haze returns in Southeast Asia.
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#haze Video

smoke aerial haze indonesia
Indonesia has made significant progress in fighting the fires caused by slash-and-burn forestry that choke Southeast Asia annually with toxic air pollution. Eco-Business spoke to the chair of Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) about what it will take to put the fires out permanently.
pelalawan children

Pangan & Agrikultur

Freedom from Fire

In a bid to prevent another haze crisis, Indonesian agribusiness firms have developed innovative ways to work with communities to stop burning land. Here's how the fire free village programme is tackling the issue, one village at a time.
peatbogs kalimantan

Karbon & Iklim

Indonesia on fire

Scientists from Center for International Forestry Research explain the causes and effects of burning peatlands as they visit Central Kalimantan in Indonesia.
orangutan homes burnt
From Greenpeace's drones to NASA's satellites, eyes in the sky are revealing the extent of forest fires in Southeast Asia. The bad news: southern New Guinea is now also a hotspot.
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#haze Podcasts

EB Podcast climate insurance
Asia lags the world in natural catastrophe protection. Part of the problem could be counting extreme weather losses only after they happen, industry insiders tell the Eco-Business podcast.
Smoke from burning land in Indonesia
Studio EB Transboundary haze pollution is back with a vengeance in Southeast Asia. The Eco-Business Podcast talks to RSPO CEO Joseph D'Cruz about what the palm oil sector can do to put out the peatland fires that have burned annually for four decades.
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leaf background pattern

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