#fossil fuels Berita

Mukhatar Babayev letter
United Nations climate summit president Mukhtar Babayev highlights the new climate finance target as top priority for the November talks. Will Azerbaijan be able to get the dealmakers, including China, to agree on a price to pay to help developing countries adapt to climate change?
sona 2024
In his third state of the nation address, Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos, Jr urged lawmakers to enact an enabling law for the climate fund, but advocates lament lack of climate justice among his priorities.
NAB fossil fuel protest
ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, NAB, and Westpac loaned US$2.43 billion to finance fossil fuel projects last year, despite having committed to global climate goals. Most of the loans fall under general-purpose corporate lending and bonds, which are harder to track than direct project loans.
Initiative aims to cut emissions and fund rainforest preservation, though political disputes and sector exemptions pose significant challenges.
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#fossil fuels Opini

Chevron's Gorgon CCS plant
Carbon capture and storage has been hailed as a potential way to reduce emissions, but it is more likely to increase them by boosting oil and gas extraction. The cheaper and more effective solution is to move to cleaner forms of energy.
COP28 president Sultan Al Jaber and ministers
COP28 in Dubai ended with the landmark UAE consensus, an unprecedented agreement to transition from all fossil fuels. The signals for action are clear, but what steps should Middle Eastern businesses take?
An advertisement for the proposed Narrabri gas project in New South Wales
Fossil fuel firms are among the biggest spenders on Google ads that are designed to resemble search results.
LNG ship Japan
Bullish gas plans ignore the financial challenges of infrastructure development, renewable energy potential in the region and climate policy restrictions.
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#fossil fuels Video

GP clocks Shell oil terminal
The action comes despite the oil giant suing the environmental group for US$2.1 million after demonstrators boarded the company’s vessel at the Atlantic Ocean in January.
BCG video Eco-Business
Studio EB Asia's green transition pathways need to be socially inclusive given huge differences in economic development across the region, says experts at the Boston Consulting Group. State-owned enterprises have an "outsized" role to play, they add.
COP27 protests
Rich nations need to shift investments into renewables instead, they say. The civic space for demonstrations at this year's climate summit, held in Egypt, is more restricted than the Scotland event last year.
System change not climate change
Pension funds are some of the world's largest investors—holding trillions in assets—billions of which are pumped into fossil fuel companies like Shell, BP, and Total.
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#fossil fuels Podcasts

Manila, Philippines
Studio EB If a real estate development can reduce energy and water consumption – and emit fewer carbon emissions – it is built to last, Oliver Chan tells the Eco-Business podcast. The key, however, is to first educate future homeowners and businesses that going green does not mean breaking the bank.
The EB Podcast Petronas COP28
The oil and gas sector needs to cut operational emissions faster, Charlotte Wolff-Bye tells the Eco-Business podcast. But slashing fuel output won’t do for the Asian supplier, and it welcomes respectful debate at the climate summit.
Malampaya natural gas2
The Philippines has ended new coal development as it pursues a low-carbon future. Don Paulino of non-profit Philippine Energy Independence Council and boss of Shell's exploration arm, argues why natural gas should remain in the energy mix.
Blackrock podcast
Eksklusif The world's largest asset manager says it has put sustainability at the core of its investment approach. Eco-Business speaks to Shinbo Won, BlackRock's investment stewardship director in Singapore about what this means for investors, and how companies are responding to increased ESG pressure.
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