#electric vehicles Berita

China’s Third Plenum, an important five-yearly meeting traditionally associated with major economic reforms, concluded on 18 July in Beijing.
Environmental issues are subordinate to the strategic imperative of countering US influence. That could ultimately weaken the relationship amid shake-ups in global trade.
Bangladesh's congested capital Dhaka joins the ranks of South Asian cities drawing up plans to prepare for a hotter, wetter future.
China can put the Paris Agreement on track when it releases its new and updated climate targets next year, writes Lauri Myllyvirta.
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#electric vehicles Opini

Zero-emissions vehicles would need to hit 73 per cent of new light vehicle sales by 2030 to keep transport emissions aligned to limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.
Burgos solar and wind farm
House Bill 7705, the low carbon economy bill, could help the climate-vulnerable nation seize the economic opportunities that come with decarbonisation.
coal power in indonesia
Indonesia's next administration has its work cut out for it to ensure true sustainable development by resolutely committing to cutting fossil fuel subsidies for good.
China’s decision to ramp up spending could accelerate a shift and help achieve long-term climate goals by bringing forward the peak in fossil-fuel use and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
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#electric vehicles Video

Polestar video cover
Studio EB Polestar, a new entrant to Singapore’s electric car market, hopes to woo consumers by going the extra mile in sustainable design.
An e-jeepney in the Philippines. A growing movement is underway to electrify Southeast Asia's transport. Image: Eco-Business
In gridlocked, smoggy Southeast Asian cities, change is afoot to electrify transport and clear some of the world's most polluted skies. This video documents the pockets of hope for e-mobility around the most climate-vulnerable region.
An an air taxi manufactured by German firm Volocopter
Battery-powered air taxis could be a common sight on the city-state's skyline by 2021.
Studio EB Battery technology could reshape the global energy sector, and this year's #Innovate4Climate summit in Singapore will focus on the cutting-edge innovation that could change the energy landscape.
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#electric vehicles Podcasts

Gojek vehicle in Indonesia
GoTo sustainability head Tanah Sullivan tells the Eco-Business Podcast that regulating net-zero claims would decarbonise Southeast Asia faster. Indonesia's biggest internet firm aims to cut emissions to zero by 2030 — a target critics say is unrealistic.
EB Podcast: Climate Tech In Asia - Gogoro Founder Horace Luke
Eksklusif In this new podcast series 'Climate Tech in Asia', Eco-Business speaks to Gogoro chairman and CEO Horace Luke about the company's recent listing on the Nasdaq and its quest to electrify Asia's ubiquitous two-wheelers and make battery swapping mainstream.
Indigenous community, Amazon
The clean energy sector’s poor human rights performance places its legitimacy at risk. Jessie Cato of the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre sheds light on how the industry can avoid labour abuse, land grabs and other violations.
Red ship on the ocean
Studio EB [The EB Podcast] In the third episode of the series Tomorrow’s cities: Engineering the energy transition, we explore how the shipping industry is charting a course to a low-carbon future.
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leaf background pattern

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