#decarbonisation Berita

Ed Tongson WWF Philippines
Putting a direct and pre-defined price on fossil fuel emissions will generate more revenue and is not as expensive as setting up a cap and trade scheme, mooted under a new low carbon economy bill, says Edgardo Tongson, WWF Philippines' sustainable finance lead.
China coal plant
Coal-fired power is still growing in China, but the latest statistics indicate that Beijing could have been telling local governments to go slow on the rubber stamping of new coal projects. The world’s biggest polluter also recently suspended its system for approving new steel plants.
Martin Harper Birdlife
The head of one of the world's largest conservation groups explains why its goal to expand the use of sensitivity mapping in Asia will lessen the impacts of renewable projects on nature. Set clear objectives for nature alongside development plans, he says.
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#decarbonisation Opini

Asia Pacific Green Hydrogen Conference and Exhibition (APGH) 2024 in Sarawak
As the frontrunner for green hydrogen projects in Southeast Asia, Sarawak’s success or failure in the next two years will serve as a bellwether for Malaysia’s hydrogen economy goals, Asean’s hydrogen future and global clean hydrogen demand.
Chevron's Gorgon CCS plant
Carbon capture and storage has been hailed as a potential way to reduce emissions, but it is more likely to increase them by boosting oil and gas extraction. The cheaper and more effective solution is to move to cleaner forms of energy.
Zero-emissions vehicles would need to hit 73 per cent of new light vehicle sales by 2030 to keep transport emissions aligned to limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.
COP28 president Sultan Al Jaber and ministers
COP28 in Dubai ended with the landmark UAE consensus, an unprecedented agreement to transition from all fossil fuels. The signals for action are clear, but what steps should Middle Eastern businesses take?
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#decarbonisation Video

Gaurav Sant
Gaurav Sant, founder of startup SeaChange, tells Eco-Business about a technology he hopes will give the world's oceans the capacity to absorb additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Polestar video cover
Studio EB Polestar, a new entrant to Singapore’s electric car market, hopes to woo consumers by going the extra mile in sustainable design.
Deep sea mining
Studio EB There are vast mineral riches lying on the ocean floor that could help to power the energy transition, but is the environmental cost of extracting them worth the risk?
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#decarbonisation Podcasts

The heat is on Formula 1 to curb its carbon footprint.
Formula 1 emits the carbon equivalent of 30,000 homes as it roars through 21 countries in a season. Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 head of sustainability Alice Ashpitel says the sport's ambition to decarbonise by 2030 is not unrealistic.
Carbon markets podcast 1
David Antonioli says current rules spur piecemeal offsetting instead of enabling faster growth of climate ventures. He expects pushback to his ideas in a market polarised over integrity issues, but wants players to think big-picture.
Sea orchards developed on decommissioned oil platforms
Former petrochemicals industry executives Steve Willis and Genevieve Hilton have written a novel set 50 years into the future that has a happy ending. They tell the Eco-Business podcast that the book is a pitch to carbon-intensive industries to try workable climate solutions.
Gojek vehicle in Indonesia
GoTo sustainability head Tanah Sullivan tells the Eco-Business Podcast that regulating net-zero claims would decarbonise Southeast Asia faster. Indonesia's biggest internet firm aims to cut emissions to zero by 2030 — a target critics say is unrealistic.
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